Knabe, J. F. Computational Genetic Regulatory Networks: Evolvable, Self-organizing Systems. Springer, Heidelberg, 2012. ( link) ( bibtex) (amazon: .com .de![]( ) |
Knabe, J. F., Wegner, K., Nehaniv,
C. L. and Schilstra, M. J. Genetic Algorithms and Their Application to In
Silico Evolution of Genetic Regulatory Networks. In Fenyo, D., ed., Computational Biology, Humana Press, pages 297-321, 2010. ( link) ( file) ( bibtex) |
Knabe, J. F. Evolvability of Computational Genetic Regulatory Networks. PhD Thesis, Science and Technology Research Institute, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, UK, 2009. ( link) ( bibtex) |
Knabe, J. F., Nehaniv, C. L. and Schilstra, M. J. Do Motifs Reflect Evolved Function? - No Convergent Evolution of Genetic Regulatory Network Subgraph Topologies. In BioSystems, 94 (1-2): 68-74, 2008. ( link) ( file) ( bibtex) |
Knabe, J. F., Schilstra, M. J. and Nehaniv, C. L. Evolution and Morphogenesis of Differentiated Multicellular Organisms: Autonomously Generated Diffusion Gradients for Positional Information. In Artificial Life XI: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems, pages 321-328, MIT Press, 2008. ( link) ( file) ( bibtex) |
Knabe, J. F., Nehaniv, C. L. and Schilstra, M. J. Regulation of Gene Regulation - Smooth Binding with Dynamic Affinity affects Evolvability. In IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2008). Proc WCCI 2008, pages 890-896, IEEE Press, 2008. ( link) ( file) ( bibtex) |
Knabe, J. F., Nehaniv, C. L. and Schilstra, M. J. Genetic Regulatory Network models of Biological Clocks: Evolutionary history matters. In Artificial Life, 14 (1): 135-148, 2008. ( link) ( file) ( bibtex) |
Knabe, J. F., Nehaniv, C. L. and Schilstra, M. J. Unruly Motifs -- No Convergent Evolution of Network Topologies. In International Workshop on Information Processing in Cells and Tissues (IPCAT), Oxford, UK, Librix, 2007. ( link) ( bibtex) |
Wegner, K., Knabe, J., Robinson, M., Egri-Nagy, A. and Schilstra, M. The NetBuilder' project: development of a tool for constructing, simulating, evolving, and analysing complex regulatory networks. In BMC Systems Biology, 1 (Suppl 1): P72, 2007. ( link) ( bibtex) |
Knabe, J. F., Nehaniv, C. L. and Schilstra, M. J. The Essential Motif that wasn't there: Topological and Lesioning Analysis of Evolved Genetic Regulatory Networks. In IEEE Symposium on Artificial Life (CI-ALife'07), pages 69-76, Omnipress, 2007. ( link) ( file) ( bibtex) |
Knabe, J. F., Nehaniv, C. L. and Schilstra, M. J. Evolutionary Robustness of Differentiation in Genetic Regulatory Networks. In Proceedings of the 7th German Workshop on Artificial
Life 2006 (GWAL-7), pages 75-84, Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Aka, Berlin, 2006. ( link) ( file) ( bibtex) |
Wischmann, S., Huelse, M., Knabe, J. F. and Pasemann, F. Synchronization of internal neural rhythms in multi-robotic systems. In Adaptive Behavior, 14 (2): 117-127, 2006. ( link) ( bibtex) |
Knabe, J. F., Nehaniv, C. L., Schilstra, M. J. and Quick, T. Evolving Biological Clocks using Genetic Regulatory Networks. In Artificial Life X: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems, pages 15-21, MIT Press/Bradford Books, 2006. ( link) ( file) ( bibtex) |
Wischmann, S., Huelse, M., Knabe, J. and Pasemann, F. Synchronization of internal neural rhythms in multi-robotic systems. In Proc. of the "Active Agents and Their Environments as Dynamical Systems"
Workshop (activate.d), 2005. ( link) ( file) ( bibtex) |
Knabe, J. Kooperatives Reinforcement Lernen in Multiagentensystemen. BSc Thesis, University of Osnabrueck, 2005. ( link) ( file) ( bibtex) |
Riedmiller, M., Gabel, T., Knabe, J. and Strasdat, H. Brainstormers 2D - Team Description 2005. In RoboCup 2005: Robot Soccer World Cup IX., LNCS. Springer, 2005. ( file) ( bibtex) |
Kaul, C., Knabe, J., Lang, T. and Sperschneider, V. Filtering Spam E-Mail with Support Vector Machines. In PICS - Publications of the Institute of Cognitive Science, University of Osnabrueck, Volume 8-2004, 2004. ( link) ( file) ( bibtex) |